Operations Manager/Co-owner
What are words that you live by?: Only when we learn to be humble about ourselves can we begin to respect others.
What is your personal super power?: Kindness. Simply by listening, caring and being kind you can transform and improve someone's day and outlook.
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy? *
Natural products for my children.
What are words that you live by?: Go into everything with "intention"
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy?:
The various chips and healthy snack foods.
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?
The family atmosphere of the staff and customers.
Assistant Front Store Manager
What are words that you live by, or your personal mantra?:
I am ready
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy?:
I am addicted to the Sour Smart Sweets
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?: The people I work with make everyday enjoyable. And it’s always a great feeling when I know that I have helped a person that has walked through our doors.
What are words that you live by, or your personal mantra?:
You can have excuses or you can have results, but you can’t have both!
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy?:
I can always find gifts for people!
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?:
The people! Both staff and customers
Pharmacy Technician
What are words that you live by? Just keep swimming.
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy?
Any of our Keto or Gluten free options.
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?
I feel like everyone who works at the pharmacy is very family minded and therefore you just get treated like an extension of their family.
Natural Beauty Consultant
What are words that you live by?:
Sometimes its hard to see the big picture or end result. Just like a 1000 pc puzzle, everything starts with the first piece, and as all the pieces start to come together, you get more and more motivated to keep on going.
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy?
Mushroom/herbal elixirs and games!
What are words that you live by?: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105
What is your personal super power? I learn and adapt fast.
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?:
I feel like a family at Two Pharmacy rather than just an employee, and it is also great and satisfying to serve my own community.
Compliance Packaging Specialist
What are words that you live by? Own up to your mistakes
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy?:
Vitamins and supplements
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?:
The friendships among the staff
Pharmacy Technician
Compounding Specialist & Pharmacy Assistant
What are words that you live by?: Be Kind
What is your super power?: Being a great listener.
Receiving and Online Store
What are words that you live by? Laugh and Play On - Find a reason to smile, laugh and move on even when things aren't going your way.
What is your personal super power?: Silent and strong - You can find me quietly going about my work with a strong work ethic.
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?
It's like a second family.
Natural Health Consultant
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy?:
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?:
The staff! I love my work team... and management Reid and Ian are amazing! I’ve never worked in a place where I have felt so valued and appreciated before.
Bookkeeper/whatever else needs to be done!
What are words that you live by?:
Always choose kindness, you never know where anyone is at in their life story
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy? *
Routine Deoderant
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?
I love that I get to work with so many amazing people, who feel like family to me!
What are words that you live by?: Live well, Laugh often, Love much.
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy?:
Natural products.
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?:
My co-workers. Everyone has been super nice.
Natural Health Consultant
What are words that you live by?: "Our role is not to control or change the world as a human but to learn from the world how to be a human." - Robin Wall Kimmerer
What is your personal super power?: Creating! I love to create things with my hands. Baking, knitting, weaving, sewing, making herbal formulas and DIY’s..... I love being creative!
Pharmacy Techinican
What are words that you live by? Stick with the people who pull the magic out of you and not the madness.
What is your personal super power? My super power is problem solving, Ian often has a basket labeled as heather fix it.
Blister Pack Assistant
What are words that you live by?: Plan for the worst, but hope for the best.
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy?:
Aromatherapy items
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?:
The people - dedicated, hard-working, put their clients & the community first.
Cashier & Receiving
What are words that you live by?:
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, It’s about learning to dance in the rain
What is your favourite item to shop for at Two Pharmacy?:
I love our wide variety of kombucha
What is the best part about working at Two Pharmacy?:
All of the staff members are so kind and welcoming. and it feels good to know that my job is helping others in my community