Happy New Year!
Two Pharmacy would like to invite you to take part in
12 Months of Wellness.
When we start any new practice or challenge, it really pays off to have an accountability team and doing it together is just so much more fun!
This is a fantastic endeavour that alive (alive magazine) has put together and we are excited to get started!
Each month is dedicated to a different wellness practice:
January: Go plant based for a month
February: Exercise for heart health
March: Dedicate to Meditate
April: Cook for immune health
May: Make each morning magical
June: Appreciate nature daily
July: Let go each day
August: Try a new therapy
September: Prep with your family
October: Make time for self care
November: Find sugar freedom
December: Embrace low-waste holidays
Get more of the details here:
Staff members are looking forward to following along with this campaign and we invite you to join as well so that we can encourage each other to live happier healthier lives together.
It's free, educational and provides some awesome suggestions to keep us motivated and having fun along the way.
It's never too late to join and you can participate at any capacity. With the way they have it set up you can focus on the big picture month goal, the specific week focus they provide, or use their daily to-do's in a calendar setting.
How to join and what's involved:
Sign up here: https://www.alive.com/wellnesschallenge/
- You will receive a monthly newsletter providing you with the theme of the month and all the resources required.
Join us here: https://www.twopharmacy.ca/12-months-of-wellness
- From our website www.twopharmacy.ca, click the drop down menu under 'Health for you' to find the above link
- Enter the passcode: TWOwellness2021
- Here you will find the monthly newsletter information as well as a group chat. This is where we can share any insights, recipes, celebrations, invites etc.
- We will also host a quick zoom meeting (maybe live one day!) at the end of each month where we can chat about what we learned in that month and some reflective prompts will be offered.
Add your name to the chat box so we know you're with us!
- Adding your name to the chat box will be how we know who has joined the team. Community participants will be entered into a draw each month to win a free giveaway item from the store that is on theme with that month.
We hope you consider joining us for these next 12 Months of Wellness! If you have any questions please send them my way! If you would like to invite friends and family to join in please feel free to forward this email to them!